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How can I view my chat history?

All your chat conversations are stored in our database. You can check all the records or search for a particular chat record on your Comm100 account control panel.

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Step by Step Instructions

  1. Log into your Comm100 account.

  2. Go to History. Under Chats, you will see a list of records.

  3. To view the detailed chat transcript, you can choose a certain record and then click the Details icon.

  4. You have the option to filter the transcripts by Time, Department, Agents, Wrap-up Category and Keywords used in the transcripts. You can also use Keywords to easily locate a specific chat transcript. You can use visitor name, visitor email, pre-chat custom field info, post-chat custom field info, custom variable, wrap-up custom field and words used in chat content.

  5. Under the Advanced option, there are more filters to choose from.