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Reference for Webhook event: Chat Started

Comm100 Live Chat Webhooks support both HTTP and HTTPS URLs. You will get the call back with the following properties when the Chat Started event occurs.

The data is in JSON format.

Here is an example of Chat Started event data

  "event": "chat_started",
  "visitor": {
    "browser": "Google Chrome 80.0.3987.132",
    "chat_id": "16c2cc3a-1b15-4b4f-9298-1cd04d6cec15",
    "chats": 8,
    "city": "Toronto",
    "company": "",
    "country": "Canada",
    "current_browsing": "",
    "custom_fields": [],
    "custom_variables": [
        "name": "Name",
        "value": ""
    "department": 1165,
    "email": "",
    "first_visit_time": "/Date(1580361387156)/",
    "flash_version": "",
    "id": "e2bafca0-efe5-45a7-96ae-a7e3b8d7c410",
    "ip": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "landing_page": "",
    "language": "en-US",
    "name": "testName",
    "operating_system": "Windows 10",
    "page_views": 1,
    "phone": "",
    "product_service": "",
    "referrer_url": "",
    "screen_resolution": "1536x864",
    "search_engine": "",
    "state": "Ontario",
    "status": 2,
    "time_zone": "GMT  06:00",
    "visit_time": "/Date(1584415749307)/",
    "visits": 7


Visitor Properties

Id id of the visitor
name name of the visitor
email email of the visitor
status status of the visitor (Please check the Visitor Status Description at the bottom of this article)
phone phone of the visitor
company company of the visitor
first_visit_time time the visitor first visited a web page pasted with Comm100 Live Chat code
visit_time starting time when this visitor visits your website this time
city city of the visitor
state state of the visitor
country country of the visitor
ip ip of the visitor
language language the visitor is using
screen_resolution screen resolution of the visitor’s device
time_zone time zone of the visitor
flash_version flash version of the browser the visitor is using
operating_system operating system of the visitor’s device
browser browser the visitor is using

values of custom fields entered by visitors in the pre-chat window. Agents can also update the value(s) during chat in Agent Console. Custom fields contain the following properties:

id: id of the custom field
name : name of the custom field
value : value of the custom field

product_service product/service the visitor selected in the pre-chat window. Agents can also update the value while chatting with visitors.
department department the visitor selected in the pre-chat window. Agents can also update the value while chatting with visitors.

information of custom variables captured from the web page visitors viewed. Custom variables contain the following properties:

name : name of the custom variable
value : value of the custom variable

current_browsing page the visitor is currently looking at
visits total times of visits a visitor has made on your website from the first time to present
chats total times of chats a visitor has made on your website from the first time to present
referrer_url URL of the page from which a visitor comes to your website
search_engine search engine the visitor used to search for your website
keywords keywords the visitor used to search for your website
landing_page title and URL of the first page of your website the visitor visited
page_views total number of web pages the visitor viewed on your website

Visitor Status Description

0 waiting for chat
1 voice chatting
2 chatting
3 pre-Chat
4 manually Invited
5 auto invited
6 offline message
7 refused by agent
8 refused by visitor
9 chat ended
10 in site
11 out of site