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What is Dynamic Campaigns and how to set it up

Comm100 Live Chat allows you to create Multiple Campaigns, each of which has their own dedicated chat style and settings. For each campaign, you can customize its chat buttons, pre-chat surveys, chat windows, routing rules, etc. All you need to do is to get the live chat code of the campaign and implement it on each of your websites or web pages.

The Dynamic Campaign feature is an advanced option of the Multiple Campaigns feature. It allows you to run different campaigns on the same web page. Each campaign has certain rules attached to it and the campaign takes effect on the website or web pages only when the conditions of the rules are met.

  • Based on your business needs, you can create more Campaigns before setting up the Dynamic Campaign.
  • The feature is only available in our live chat Enterprise edition.


Step by Step Instructions

  1. Log in to your Comm100 account.
  2. From the left navigation menu, go to Live Chat > Campaign.
  3. Click the campaign drop-down list and go to the Manage campaigns area.
  4. Click Manage.

    The Campaigns drawer appears.
  5. Scroll down to the Campaigns drawer and click Advanced > Dynamic campaign.

    The Dynamic Campaign drawer appears.
  6. In the Rules for Dynamic Campaign section, click New Rule.

    The New Rule drawer appears.
  7. On the New Rule drawer, provide rule name, set up Conditions for the rule to trigger, and select your Target Campaign.
  8. Click OK.
  9. You can continue to create multiple Dynamic Campaign rules.
    Note: Each rule has a targeted campaign that defines how your chat button, invitation, and visitor side windows should work when the rule is triggered. Be sure not to delete any target campaigns in use, or no chat button would show when the rule of a deleted campaign is triggered.
  10. On the Dynamic Campaign drawer, choose a Default Target Campaign when none of your rules are triggered.
  11. Copy the Live Chat Code of Dynamic Campaign and paste it onto your website.
    Note:  If you have already installed Comm100 Live Chat code on the web pages, you need to delete it first. You don’t need to re-paste the code when any changes are made to your dynamic campaign

Now you have completed the process to configure the Dynamic Campaign. Click here to learn more on how to make the most out of our Multiple Campaigns and Dynamic Campaigns feature.